Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Like That

I don't have tv, but I am able to catch things here and there.  My current favorites is Party Down.

Monday, June 28, 2010

I Like That

I like to like things.  It gives me a sense of purpose, as though I'm not wasting my life.  I mean, isn't everybody's goal to spend a life full of likes?  Sometimes I hoard my likes.  No one can know about that like because then my like is based on the approval of that like.  But in order to acquire more likes, I must let some free.  A few years back I read that all my generation will be good at is being cool.  Maybe that's why I'm so possessive of my likes.  Because if I'm liked for what I like, I'm cool.
I'm going to share my likes in hopes of being cooler.
1. Documentaries that deligitamize the fine are community.
2. When soda makes my eyes water.
3. Finding marbles.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday Night Misery

As I sit roasting marshmallows over a patchouli scented candle in my flea ridden apartment, I wonder, where am I headed, and if the scent of patchouli is as offensive to the fleas as it is to me.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010