Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Best Moments: Weekend At Bernie's

There are bad moments in great movies, and great moments in bad movies.  And then there are moments that are so true to life, that I can't help but find them brilliant.

Weekend at Bernie's
-We've all experienced such infuriating heat that nothing phases us, besides the heat.

1:10 - "Get your ass out of here.  It's too hot!"

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Teenage Zombie

What would you do if you were one of the last people on Earth?  Watch the below preview of Night of the Comet for suggestions.

If I'm one of the last people, I plan on playing this on my way to the mall.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chromeo Video

You know that feeling when you go outside and it seems like everyone's gone.  No cars, no people walking around, and it's sort of like you might be the last person on Earth but you know there might be someone else still alive whom also happens to be the love of your life and the two of you will steal cars and dance around the shopping mall?  Or when you see a Back To the Future poster?
I sort of feel that when I watch Chromeo videos.
These are from their most recent album, Business Casual.

When The Night Falls

Hot Mess

Don't Turn The Lights On

Night By Night

Saturday, October 22, 2011

What's Your Lake House?

This one is equally offensive
Don't judge a movie by it's awful DVD cover

Everyone has a movie that... 

1.  Is not popular.
2.  Is not hated.
3.  Hasn't won major awards.
4.  Is not a sequel.
5.  Is not a cult classic.
6.  No group considers it a guilty pleasure.
7.  The lead roles are well known actors.
8.  Didn't have a big budget.
9.  Is not independent.
10.  And most people don't believe you when you say it's good.

Mine is The Lake House.  I expressed my fondness of this film to two of my friends.  One of which immediately responded, "Mine's The Skeleton Key."  The other doesn't understand the concept as his is The Lord of the Rings.

What's your Lake House?

Why do I like the The Lake House? Click here to find out.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Treasure Quest

Zeus - The ROV used by the Odyssey Marine Exploration team to explore the ocean floor

The recent announcement that there is over $250 million of silver at the bottom of the ocean has peaked my interest in treasure hunting.  Apparently there are over one hundred shipwrecks containing an estimated value of at least $50 million.  What the what?!

Looking back at my childhood I had no dreams of being anything.  But if I had, I would have dreamed of hunting treasure.  I've spent hundreds of hours watching the Discovery Channel, only to be left at the end of the hour with questions unanswered.  I owe my unabashed love for television to the Discovery Channel.  A lot of TV's content is trash but I knew I'd never see these places in real life.  Not having cable I'm once again behind the curve as I just discovered the Discovery Channel program, Treasure Quest.  With the first season available on Netflix I watched all thirteen episodes in the last three days.

5 reasons Treasure Quest is totally awesome:
2.  Now that I think about that's enough.