Saturday, October 22, 2011

What's Your Lake House?

This one is equally offensive
Don't judge a movie by it's awful DVD cover

Everyone has a movie that... 

1.  Is not popular.
2.  Is not hated.
3.  Hasn't won major awards.
4.  Is not a sequel.
5.  Is not a cult classic.
6.  No group considers it a guilty pleasure.
7.  The lead roles are well known actors.
8.  Didn't have a big budget.
9.  Is not independent.
10.  And most people don't believe you when you say it's good.

Mine is The Lake House.  I expressed my fondness of this film to two of my friends.  One of which immediately responded, "Mine's The Skeleton Key."  The other doesn't understand the concept as his is The Lord of the Rings.

What's your Lake House?

Why do I like the The Lake House? Click here to find out.

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