Sunday, August 29, 2010


I'm starting a band.  We'll be called, I Like Orange Juice, But Lemonade Is Better.  I'm the only member but I speak as though I have mates.  The first album will be self-titled, and we'll eventually be known as simply, Lemonade Is Better.  After the third album is released and we suck, those who knew about the first album before the incredibly popular second, will always add, "They were better when they were I Like O.J."  Reviews for the third album, Not From Concentrate, make reference to Tang, and how we are long past our due date.  I agree with the critics and throw my printer out the window, and the coach in the pool.  Having no band to breakup, I find this therapeutic.  The following year I release an album under the name, I'm Going To Eat Your Face.  It's a hit.

1 comment:

  1. this is my favorite thing you've ever written, would listen to this band
